Passport valid at least another 6 months
Visa available:
- 1 month, single entry: 55 euro to pay in liquid, only euros accepted (!)
Visa available at the border / airport only: no possibility yet to get it at the embassy (they introduced the biometric visa and don't have the equipment in the embassies yet)
Depending on the border control it can take up to 3 hours to get the visa. This can be shortened by asking a local to prepare everything beforehand for a small amount of money (I'm at your service)
Desert Tours by Camel and / or 4-wheel-drive
National parks
Living with locals: nomads, farmers, or villagers
Points Of Interests
Train of the 3 L: the most long, slow (lent) and heavy (lourd) in the world
Adrar: Atar, Chinguetti, Ouadane
National Park Banc d'Arguin
National Park Diema
Autres Peuples Africains:
- Bambara
- Wolof
- ...